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Vindonissa Legionary Trail

Vindonissa Legionary Trail
(Museum Aargau)

6,000 legionaries were once stationed in Vindonissa where they prepared themselves for their next deployment. Their employer was the Roman emperor himself. Today, the sights, sounds and emotions on the trail playfully transport us back 2000 years into the lives of the legionaries and commanding officers.

Nine atmospherically staged sites invite you on a journey: for instance the sunken kitchen of an officer with images of a lavish feast and conversations to eavesdrop on, the ruin of a Roman bathhouse brought back to life with lighting and aromas, or the only Roman water conduit north of the Alps still functioning.


Roman history, Legionärspfad Vindonissa, VIndonissa Legionary Trail, Windisch, Brugg, atmospherically, Roman bathhouse, The Roman theme park

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